Climatic Test Chambers


Climatic Test Chambers


Depson has large range of Environmental Chambers varying from smallest capacity to largest capacity as per customer requirement. Depson customizes range of products as per site conditions.

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Depson offers a wide range of Climatic Test Chambers for various applications. The configuration of these chambers is ideally suitable for applications where environmental controls and/or room materials are critical. They are used for quality assurance and reliability testing in fields like metal, electronic, military, pharmaceutical, research and production.

Thermal and Humidity Chambers are available for both sea-level and high-altitude testing.

The Deep Cold Chamber can have a temperature as low as -120°C.

General High Temperature Convection Ovens can reach as high as 704°C.

Altitude Chambers simulate altitudes up to 2,00,000 feet, with a temperature range from -70°C to +177°C and humidity capabilities of 20% to 98% RH.

Rain Chambers are available for simulation. Dust Chambers are available for testing.

Depson provides Custom Built Environmental Chambers that offer maximum flexibility in accommodating complete interior work space. Pre-engineered conditioning systems and prefabricated panels can be assembled to meet virtually any test or any size. Depson uses appropriate air conditioning systems for easy installation without taking up valuable workspace of the chamber. Applications include, but are not limited to, automotive testing, electronic testing, telecommunications testing, aerospace testing, material storage, coating preparation, biomedical storage, evaluation of packaging materials, and research. The temperature and climate working range have been designed to fulfill all relevant standards.

The touch screen controller offers easy operation, while the user-friendly software enables control and monitoring of the chambers from any location with graph displays and logs. The controller has the ability to reconfigure and expand to meet the range of developing needs. The option to choose interior or exterior helps to meet various laboratory requirements. The humidity water filtration system is included to filter impurities and protect the interior walls and processes of the chamber. The chamber can be configured to any size to match the needs of the customer.




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